Pilcher Media
Aug 2011 - Present (13 years 6 months)
Pilcher Media is a marketing and design firm owned by Laura Pilcher, known for her experience, creativity, efficiency, professionalism and dependability. From print to online, Pilcher Media offers professional services including marketing, brand identity, web design, graphic design, mobile websites, e-newsletters and social networking.
Graduate Marketing Director
Nov 2010 - Aug 2011 (9 months)
Working with the CEO, Vice Presidents and Marketing team to strategically create advertising, promotion, and brand awareness for all products. Creating and implementing cohesive branding and promotional materials, including postcards, brochures, new websites and social media. Supervising marketing team, graphics team and internship team. Maintaining a marketing budget.
Corporate Marketing and Publicity Manager
May 2007 - Nov 2010 (3 years 6 months)
• Working with the Director of Marketing, VP of Sales and Marketing team to strategically create advertising, promotion, and brand awareness for all proprietary and exclusive products
for consumer and dealer audiences. Maintaining Marketing budget.
• Creating promotional posters, flyers, sale sheets, web banners, letterhead and promotional graphics for Musicorp sponsorships, events, products and brands.
• Writing press releases pertaining to company news and new products for music trade, consumer, online and local publications. Obtaining various local and national PR engagements as needed; radio & interviews. Maintaining relationships with media.
• Sponsoring, promoting and working with local and national festivals, fundraisers and events. Responsible for coordinating all events including: NAMM (annual) and National Sales
Meetings (annual).
• Managing Artist Relations by identifying and contacting artists, drawing up contracts, promoting artist endorsement and maintaining communication with every artist endorsee.
• Responsible for updating and managing all brand websites and e-newsletters. Updating websites with new information regarding publicity news and artist endorsements along with designing, coordinating and updating all social networks for each Musicorp brand on YouTube, Myspace, Facebook and Twitter.
Marketing Coordinator and Publicist
2005 - 2007 (2 years)
• Assisting the Marketing Director and CEO with advertising, promotion, and brand awareness. Creating and implementing
promotional materials, including postcards and brochures. Weekly measuring and reporting the success of custom courses, discounts, advertisements, promotions and events.
• Coordinating advertising plans, graphics and budget. Working closely with local printers and in-house shipping department to ensure timely preparation and distribution of marketing materials for promotional mailings and events.
• Initiating projects to promote PowerScore services and courses. Contacting large corporations, businesses and alumni associations to offer discounts, custom LSAT, GMAT and GRE courses. Coordinating with in-house HR Director and Locations
• Researching and writing press releases for publications. Creating targeted media lists and obtaining various PR engagements for CEO as needed; radio, interviews, etc. Maintaining contact database.
• Responsible for all publications including: working with graphic designers for cover images, obtaining ISBN/barcode information, editing final copy, writing and mailing out press releases, sending books to printer and promoting publications to bookstores.
• Assisting the webmaster with updates to the PowerScore website. Producing a redesign of the PowerScore website.
• Coordinating and traveling to Law Day events to represent PowerScore and distribute marketing materials. Traveling 2-3 times per year. Setting up instructor presentations, sending seminar materials to instructor and following up with instructors and groups to determine success. Coordinating student surveys and tallying results.
St. Martin's Press
Aug 2004 - Apr 2005 (8 months)
• Successfully publicizing over 40 titles a season by pitching titles to print and broadcast media regarding reviews, features and author interviews. Contacting and promoting authors to media and bookstores. Writing creative press releases, mailing out galleys and new books. Creating targeted media lists and publicity plans for new titles.
• Arranging author tours, traveling to author conventions and signings. Responsible for implementing book cover graphics onto press releases for entire Publicity department. Working with editors, attending and contributing to book launches and marketing meetings. Compiling and distributing monthly press clip packets for authors and editors. Processing check reimbursements and invoices to authors.
Coding Specialist II
Mar 1999 - May 2004 (5 years 2 months)
Memorization of hundreds of codes with quick typing production skills. Training new employees and assisting the code auditors.
Publicity Intern
Andrews McMeel Universal
Jan 2003 - Dec 2003 (11 months)
Successfully creating targeted media lists and publicity plans for new book titles. Effectively researching media and keeping contact databases up-to-date. Converting and cleaning up image files to create colorful, eye-catching posters for author book signings. Writing and editing catalog copy, writing creative press releases, galley letters and completing review copy mailings. Keeping author files current with review clippings, correspondence, press materials and copies of reviews.