Let's Play!
Let's Play!
Let's Play!
Let's Play!
Treasure Island build in process
Treasure Island build in process
Building a play test prototype
Play Test
Play Test
Play Test
Play Test
Play Test
Play Test
Play Test
Play Test
Play Test
Play Test
Predesign concept for Treasure Island
Design development image
Design development image
infiNet layout
infiNet layout
infiNet layout
infiNet layout
infiNet layout
infiNet layout
infiNet layout
infiNet layout
Early foamcore concepts.
Early foamcore concepts.
Early rope layouts for the net,
Rope assembly in factory

A child’s imagination is limitless—their playground should be too. infiNET is a hybrid “netform” solution with dynamic climbing challenges and barrier-free platform nets. It welcomes kids of all ages and skill levels to explore and conquer new territories together.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Greg Scott
Industrial Designer Lewisburg, PA