Marketing Consultant
Self Employed
Detroit, MI
Mar 2013 - Present (11 years 11 months)
- Provide marketing support services including copywriting, project management, strategy, social media planning
- Project manager for Beaumont Hospital's annual doctor's awards program.
- Speechwriter for president of Walsh College.
- Social media community manager for Social Motto.
- Marketing support for the Automotive Hall of Fame and Bowers School Farm.
- Consultant on marketing strategy and budgeting for the Michigan Science Center.
- Freelance writer for Airfoil Public Relations, Stratacomm Public Relations and PathyWayX Events.
Senior Marketing Manager
Nov 2014 - Jun 2019 (4 years 7 months)
● Collaborate across all departments in order to achieve attendance and revenue goals
● Work with marketing team to implement integrated marketing plans
● Elevate the profile of the Michigan Science Center through institutional marketing
● Manage social media, advertising, design, web and other vendors
● Monitor data including impact, budgets, and ROI and more
● Ensure consistent and cohesive messaging and design both internally and externally
● Promote “spark, hub and neighbor” culture with internal clients and museum guests
Marketing Coordinator
Michigan Science Center
Detroit, MI
Apr 2013 - Nov 2014 (1 year 7 months)
● Write and edit copy for internal and external advertisements
● Coordinate advertising buys
● Manage design and production of museum collateral
● Contribute to organization's social media strategy
Communications Analyst
Kelly Services
Troy, MI
Mar 2008 - Mar 2013 (5 years)
● Coordinated changes and updates to global intranet, available to employees in more than 30 countries in Europe, Asia, and the Americas
● Videotaped and edited executive/corporate strategy messages
● Wrote and edited global intranet content including employee interviews, feature articles, and testimonials to promote company strategy
● Provided editing support to headquarters employees and European colleagues for newsletters, advertisements, and other internal/external communications with an eye for accuracy in terms of content, style, and usage
● Wrote case studies to demonstrate company success stories to be used by sales team in communicating with potential customers
● Tracked and analyzed company intranet traffic using Omniture in order to find ways to improve content and increase readership
● Created executive messages and counseled executives on preferred way to communicate strategy and the best tactics to reach desired audience
● Assisted with several copywriting projects including a recruiting campaign for a major energy company
Account Representative
Troy, MI
Jan 2006 - Mar 2008 (2 years 2 months)
● Worked on site at client (Chrysler) to support speechwriting and internal communications departments
● Designed PowerPoint presentations and conducted research to accompany high profile executive speeches
● Managed executive speaking schedule, tracked speaking requests, and corresponded with organizations seeking executive speakers
● Wrote, researched, and revised executive speeches on a variety of topics including diversity and manufacturing
● Supported internal communications department with intranet articles targeted at communicating strategy to manufacturing employees
Media and Accounts Associate
Hermanoff & Associates
Farmington Hills, MI
Aug 2004 - Dec 2005 (1 year 4 months)
● Responsible for all media communication on behalf of clients
● Developed, edited and wrote press releases and promotional materials
● Built media relationships, created media contact lists, researched and tracked local media
Public Relations Specialist
TC Public Relations
Chicago, IL
Jun 2003 - Jul 2004 (1 year 1 month)
● Developed and edited client press releases, biographies, interview questions, web content
● Pitched and scheduled client radio interviews and contributed articles
● Managed radio promotion for client product with over 60 stations nationally