carousel website and cover facebook page
Newsletter Trend Report
Newsletter Skirt
Homepage Creased Denim section
homepage High Rise section
Homepage design
Carousel Homepage Polo Shirts - Colors
newsletter jeans men
newsletter jeans women
carousel homepage jeans
newsletter joggy
Creation of the Tag for the Joggy Jeans Collection - front
Creation of the Tag for the Joggy Jeans Collection - back
Creation of the Tag for the Joggy Jeans Collection final work in production
Creation of the Tag for the Joggy Jeans Collection - final work in production
Creation of the Tag for the Joggy Jeans Collection - final work in production
dripped painting design
dripped painting design

I create Graphics for the online and offline. Banners both animated and still, Page Design Layout, Newsletters, window displays for the stores, mock ups of the booths for trade shows and graphics for the website. Photography in studio and retouch.

Silvia Cassone
UX / UI designer London, United Kingdom