Night Light - This project was about taking inspiration from everyday images. Night light was inspired by plant tendrils and the calla lily. I worked towards simplifying the form and bringing out the lyrical quality of the petals and gentle moonlight.
Clay - Clay modelling exercise
Oil still
syog 1
syog 2
syog 3
Existing Object - CAD exercise
Misc. render
Personal web I - html, css and a little javascript. Maiden voyage with html. No longer at sea though (i took the web down).
Personal web II - html, css and a little javascript. Maiden voyage with html. No longer at sea though (i took the web down).
Personal web III - html, css and a little javascript. Maiden voyage with html. No longer at sea though (i took the web down).
Internship stuff - Involved in in-house design project during my 3 months internship. Design thinking, brainstorm needs, wants, problems relative to different user groups. Pointers were re-categorized and distilled later.
Kai Lin Sng
Corporate Communications Manager Singapore