PDSDC Internet look1 - Alternate submission for this project
Alt PDSDC Updated layout-interior pg - Alt PDSDC Updated layout-interior pg
Internet-screenshot-homepage_slideshow3 - Service award
video-page-layout_Natalie-video-ON - video-page-layout_Natalie-video-ON example of one of the videos being selected
PDS_Internet-V3B.jpg - An alternate Flash-based design layout/. The image area next to Mission statement would cycle through an animation of imagery unique to PDSDC office.
Choice-B-screenshots-of-AboutPDS---Who-We-Are - A secondary page design
PDS_Internet-V3A - Alternate header w/ the alternate look
PDS_Internet-V2E - Another alternate look using a variation of idea of a background image.
PDS_Internet-V2A - Alternate design
PDS_Internet-V2D - Alternate design
PDS_Alternate_10 - Another alternate variation
PDS_Alternate_9 - More variations
PDS_Alternate_8 - another alternate
PDS_Alternate_7 - Another alternate variation
PDS_Alternate_6 - Alternate variation
PDS_Alternate_5 - A variation
PDS_Alternate_4 - Variation
PDS_Alternate_2 - Variation
PDS_Alternate_1 - Alternate layout
PDS_Logo header_v6 - Alternate look w/ different logo header
PDS_Logo header_v5 - Alternate look
PDS_Logo header_v4.jpg - Alternate look
PDS_Logo header_v3.jpg - Alternate look
PDS_Logo header_v2 - Alternate look
PDS_Logo header_v1 - Alternate look
PDS_Early Layouts_PDS_Early Layouts_V2 - early looks
PDS_Early Layouts_PDS_Early Layouts_V2A - early look
PDS_Early Layouts_PDS_Early Layouts_V3 - early look
PDS_Early Layouts_PDS_Early Layouts_V4 - early looks
PDS_Early Layouts_PDS_Early Layouts_V5 - early look
PDS_Early Layouts_PDS_Early Layouts_V6.jpg - Early alternate looks
PDS_Early Layouts_PDS_Early Layouts_V7.jpg - early look
PDS_Early Layouts_PDS_Early Layouts_V8 - early look
PDS_Internet-V1 - Alternate look
Intranet New Image - Later version of Intranet
Secondary Intranet layout - Alternate look consistent w/ Flash based look
Secondary Intranet layout 2 - 2nd secondary look
New-Look-for-Intranet-1B - newer look for Intranet closer to final
FM protoype_Housing Finance Market - a recreation of interior screen graphics done for a Fannie Mae employee web-based-trainiing project and stock imagery is displayed. The originals cannot be utilized off premises. The final was to become the benchmark for all other such WBT projects. Articulate (a learning management system), Power Point, Photoshop, and Flash were used to create the actual animated piece.
FM protoype_Housing Finance Market2 - more versions/stages
FM protoype_Housing Finance Market3 - more FM
FM protoype_Housing Finance Market5 - more FM
FM protoype_Housing Finance Market_Alt - more FM
FM-protoype_cropped - Another alternate screen for the project intro
TTC Brochure original idea - Company name was used on these, but was requested to be removed
TTC Brochure idea alt - alternate
TTC Brochure idea alt2 - alternate
TTC Brochure idea alt3 - alternate
TTC Brochure idea alt4 - alternate
TTC Brochure idea alt5 - alternate
A LMS screenshot - Test screen from an LMS (learning management system) for a financial lending institution
LMS screenshot2 - screenshot 2
LMS screenshot3
Blue Level Landing page Stage 1 rollover.png - These are a few screen shots of mockups that were submitted, leading towards the final design for a Sharepoint intranet site for a Federal Government agency, (TSA). Flash and JavaScript control the rollovers and dynamic image/content generation. This is during the Stage 1rollover effect.
Blue Level Landing page Dynamic alternate appearance.png - These are a few screen shots of mockups that were submitted, leading towards the final design for a Sharepoint intranet site for a Federal Government agency, (TSA). Flash and JavaScript control the rollovers and dynamic image/content generation. This is a dynamically generated alternate appearance of the landing page.
Blue Level Landing page Dynamic view Stage 4 rollover.png - These are a few screen shots of mockups that were submitted, leading towards the final design for a Sharepoint intranet site for a Federal Government agency, (TSA). Flash and JavaScript control the rollovers and dynamic image/content generation. This is during the rollover effect of a dynamically generated alternate appearance of the landing page.
Blue Level Landing page early version1.png - These are a few screen shots of mockups that were submitted, leading towards the final design for a Sharepoint intranet site for a Federal Government agency, (TSA). This is an early alternate design that was submitted for the landing page.
Blue Level Landing page early version2.png - These are a few screen shots of mockups that were submitted, leading towards the final design for a Sharepoint intranet site for a Federal Government agency, (TSA). This is an early alternate design that was submitted for the landing page.
Proof of Concept for an advertisement for a family practice medical physician at Fort Campbell, KY. managed by Posterity Group, LLC. Ad will appear online on company's LinkedIn page as well as a soon to be named print periodical.
Proof of Concept for an advertisement for a family practice medical physician at Fort Campbell, KY. managed by Posterity Group, LLC. Ad will appear online on company's LinkedIn page as well as a soon to be named print periodical.
Proof of Concept for an advertisement for a family practice medical physician at Fort Campbell, KY. managed by Posterity Group, LLC. Ad will appear online on company's LinkedIn page as well as a soon to be named print periodical.
Proof of Concept for an advertisement for a family practice medical physician at Fort Campbell, KY. managed by Posterity Group, LLC. Ad will appear online on company's LinkedIn page as well as a soon to be named print periodical.
Proof of Concept for an advertisement for psychiatrists at Sheridan, WY. managed by Posterity Group, LLC. Ad will appear online on company's LinkedIn page as well as a soon to be named print periodical.
Proof of Concept for an advertisement for psychiatrists at Sheridan, WY. managed by Posterity Group, LLC. Ad will appear online on company's LinkedIn page as well as a soon to be named print periodical.
Proof of Concept for an advertisement for psychiatrists at Sheridan, WY. managed by Posterity Group, LLC. Ad will appear online on company's LinkedIn page as well as a soon to be named print periodical.
Proof of Concept for an advertisement for psychiatrists at Sheridan, WY. managed by Posterity Group, LLC. Ad will appear online on company's LinkedIn page as well as a soon to be named print periodical.
Proof of Concept for an advertisement for psychiatrists at Sheridan, WY. managed by Posterity Group, LLC. Ad will appear online on company's LinkedIn page as well as a soon to be named print periodical.
Proof of Concept for an advertisement for psychiatrists at Sheridan, WY. managed by Posterity Group, LLC. Ad will appear online on company's LinkedIn page as well as a soon to be named print periodical.
Proof of Concept for an advertisement for psychiatrists at Sheridan, WY. managed by Posterity Group, LLC. Ad will appear online on company's LinkedIn page as well as a soon to be named print periodical.
Miscellaneous & Alternate Designs
Skylar Starghill
Graphic Artist: Illustrator, Multimedia, Web, Print & Broadcast Designer Baltimore, MD