MJF printed and fully operational
Unisex design
striped downed version
requirement POC
Assistive spectacle for visually impaired

In future when people wouldn't have to drive anymore they would desire an engaging medium to stay entertained and organised while in journey, drawing those small car dashboards, iphones and home based TVs and computing equipments obsolete in an ecosystem of shared mobility payments have to be tracked and done seamlessly. At least that's something bankers will prefer to go with. Screens have to grow beyond what they can physically. After all, what's the point of deploying 5G’s superfast internet if we couldn't use it for anything greater than game streaming and all the time data tracking and monitoring capabilities. If we cannot harness it in favour of consumerism there are no other product that can substantiate such an enormous investment boost for infrastructure upgrade as 5G.

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Suraj Patel
Product Design New Delhi, India