Factory designer
Dec 2022 - Present (2 years 2 months)
Working directly with factories overseas.
Design & Development Specialist
Roma, Italy
Jan 2019 - Nov 2022 (3 years 10 months)
Resurrecting a well loved Italian brand from the 70's, our team created a complete line of motorcycle, bicycle and snow helmets.
Freelance Designer for Action Sports
Freelance Consultant
Santa Clara, CA
Jul 2018 - Nov 2018 (4 months)
Communications with China factories.
Sr. Helmet Designer
Scotts Valley, CA
Nov 2006 - Jun 2018 (11 years 7 months)
Sr. Helmet Designer, for the biggest and best helmet company on Earth.
R&D Design Manager
Del Mar, CA
Mar 2004 - Oct 2006 (2 years 7 months)
Working closely with manufacturing, we would dodge all the corporate red tape, and provide high quality turn-key product solutions for marketing managers within large corporations, under extremely short timelines. A truly unique job, WINDS included very unique opportunities, like naming factories such as Mazava Sportwear Ltd. in Madagascar. "Mazava" means "Morning Light" (specifically, the light that comes after darkness). The factory was beloved due to our choice of names - it was the very first factory ever in Madagascar, to wear a Malagasy name. The name was so apt, because the AGOA trade agreement brought back the jobs, after years of hardship. The factory was quite literally their light, shining through the darkness of poverty. The president of Madagascar visited the factory, and it became the most popular workplace on the island.
Product Designer / Shop Manager
Morgan Hill, CA
Jan 2001 - Feb 2003 (2 years 1 month)
Built the shop from the ground up, including a custom vacuum-form machine made from diagrams found online. Our team's work was at the very forefront of design and innovation in our category, and we received awards and recognition by the IDSA and our peers. Our work was displayed in the Sony Metreon Museum of Art&Design.
I worked directly on the helmet line, including the Tracer, Pilot, SuperPilot (later called the V3), and won awards for the Raptor Knee Guard.
Industrial Designer
Exo Design
Jan 2000 - Jan 2001 (1 year)