Design Mission: SLS asked us to design a new sense and exposure for their brand to empower them to expand from B2B markets to B2C markets and communicate with people directly.
Identity Core Concept: We redirected all design efforts to create an Approachable and Life-ish sense for the brand, bringing their complex and untouchable subject (High-Tech Knowledge) to everyday life.
Tagline: The tagline is inspired by the core brand value and concept (Bringing Technology to Life; Bringing Life to Technology) and aims to create a humanized and life-centered sense for the business. The word "code" refers to programming as meanwhile by mixing with the word "life", has a semantic approach to represent a special kind of alive and humanized Life Style.
Visual Design: We explored different ideas and paths to communicate the functions and emotions of the brand.
Logo: A combination of Farsi and English letters of "Smart" & "Houshmand (means Smart in Farsi)".
Visual Identity & style: The visual theme represents a sharp and modern style.
Digital Experience: The website combines easy-to-digest contents with high-tech services to imply the core insight of the brand.
Copywriting and Brand Tone: We converged the two core components of the brand messaging: "High-tech" and "Everyday Life".
Brand Guidelines: We documented all the branding insights, tools and components to help the in-house design team continue developing and monitoring the design programs.
Brand Exposure and Ads Farsi translation: "Bringing life to Technology; Bringing Technology to life."
Smart Land Solutions continues impacting our lives ...
SLS; Code of Life

"Smart Land Solutions (SLS)" is a high-tech IT solution and service provider that creates Digital Business Infrastructures.
SLS asked us to design a new sense and exposure for their brand to empower them expand from B2B markets to B2C markets and communicate with people directly.

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Tajrobeh Design Studio
Business Development through Design Tehran, Iran