BASF Creating Chemistry Magazine

Addison were approached to translate a printed magazine into an online environment.

It was highlighted that 4 personas would use the site: the hunter, the browser, the searcher, the reader. We decided to engage all types of user behaviours and designed the site to convert visitors to readers.

During the design process BASF were beginning update their online brand. We were able to influence the direction that the online BASF brand would go.

As the original content was coming from existing printed magazines we analysed these for different content types and from that created a master template made the architecture for a CMS page builder. From these assigned modules we were able to create any existing article and future ones by picking and choosing the order of them.

Recently BASF have progressed their corporate website guidelines and unfortunately the website has been updated to those and no longer reflects the original design, but the essence of the project still exists.

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Thomas Kemp
Digital Designer London, United Kingdom