EUROSPORT - I design most of the covers for the EUROSPORT catalog. I have always been a fan of high-contrast covers. This image was ripe for just that sort of presentation.
Team Profile Spread - I traveled to New Jersey with a photographer to meet and photograph several members of the New Jersey Rangers FC to build this collage editorial. It was a fun trip and I would like to do more of this in the future. I built this piece mostly in Photoshop.
EUROSPORT World Cup - 2010 World Cup host South Africa. Many designers stay away from this, but I have always enjoyed the challenges of editorial design. Built in Adobe InDesign.
The Wolverine Football Preview - Strong cover for The Wolverine football preview special. This was a full-color, glossy, perfect-bound publication that I designed and produced while at Coman Publishing Co. I have done hundreds of covers and this was definitely one of my favorites. Built in Quark Express.
World Rugby Shop Cover
World Rugby Shop Spread
Tar Heel Blitz Magazine - After creating the Carolina Court magazines, publisher Art Chansky asked me to design the Tar Heel Blitz.
Carolina Court Magazine - This is the kind of creativity you need when your source images aren't of the best quality. Nice effect.
Carolina Court Spread - The challenge here was to create a two-page spread from a rather short article. This is the greatest and most rewarding challenge for a designer.
Publication Work
Tom Temple
Craftsman, Artist, Designer, Entrepreneur Deep Gap, NC