Ted x UMass Visual Art Competition winner

Music is creative energy, which catalyzes the mind and facilitates the growth of the visual forest of imagination. This is the inspirational conversion of Setven Plackzec's music into a surreal painting.
The drawing describes the relationship of energy-matter conversion, the fragmentation of the physical self into the metaphysical mental state to bring out the subconscious mind. The phoenix like red-dragon, is a representation of the subconscious mind which emerges out of the blue man when the green woman consumes his physical state. The red woman at the bottom is morphing out of his decomposing form dissolving into the lava below -"representing the start of life from the nutrient rich earth juice." She is waxing and waning as she manifests herself through conscious thought. All of these characters are made of the same material which is a form of very dense, lower frequency energy; as it’s density increases its mass increases manifesting itself in 3d.

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Toshana James
Student, UG Mechanical Engineer UMass Amherst Amherst, MA