Chopper Side - How I made this bike: two programs were used Solidworks which is a program used to make objects in three dimensions. The second is 3ds max which is used to apply materials to models to achieve a photo realistic rendering. The entire process took me about two weeks to achieve making each part to the final render. This bike was recently published in FHM China.
Chopper front - The direction I wanted to take is to use the same low and stretched out frame and other parts like the front fender which is such a unique part of the bike, overall I wanted to keep the futuristic irobot type of style to the bike while instilling my own style to the bike. I wanted to create parts that were sharp while offsetting them with the overall curvature of the bike, for example the front fender which sharp edges and follows the curve of the front wheel.
Chopper back - How I made this bike: two programs were used Solidworks which is a program used to make objects in three dimensions. The second is 3ds max which is used to apply materials to models to achieve a photo realistic rendering. The entire process took me about two weeks to achieve making each part to the final render. This bike was recently published in FHM China.
Fhm China
Fhm China
Published Projects
Vijay Patel
I'm Vijay Patel and I'm a 3D Digital Designer. Bradford, United Kingdom