Slide 1 :: Animation - Child blinking SEE LIVE EXAMPLE::
Slide 2 :: Animation - Child's eye brows fade in and lip drops
Slide 3 :: Animation - Child's bottom lip starts to pout
Slide 4 :: Animation - Tear rolls down child's cheek & "NO" selection box turns to a snowflake and falls away
Slide 5 :: Animation - Child starts to glow with excitement & Donation button opens donation site
Slide 6 :: Animation - Child glows with joy & Social network links open to respective site with OG calls & Links to Toy Drive website
Wing Latino Holiday Charity E-Card

This is a charity generating E-card developed for a division of Grey Advertising (WING LATINO). Approved for by Grey Advertising CEO as an official holiday greeting.

The card features several images of a small boy in a progression of escalating facial expressions begging the user to donate to the toy fundraising charity for children.

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