Rotating banner ad

Facebook cover graphic

This website, done using Drupal, was initially designed by an ad agency but was not meeting their standards/needs, so I was brought in to prepare it for launch. This involved doing extensive front-end design as well as back-end coding in a CMS environment. I then built their user group website. (This company is now a subsidiary so the site is closed.)

Joomla website for a daycare center. All images and text were changed, and additional modules were added. (Facility has since permanently closed, so no active website)

Sales meeting logo and app graphics

Email campaign
"Just wanted to tell you how nice this looked. Really a great look for Corporate Communications.” –Kindell Weaver, Human Resources Manager, on Health Dialog’s new corporate e-mail layout

Interactive PDF Form - this initiative for internal workflow improvement was extremely well-received by colleagues.

Builder website - 2003, Dreamweaver. He wanted his website to feel similar to the one I designed for Tom Price. He no longer has any active website.

Architect website - 1997, Dreamweaver. Client has had such good response to the design and so much work generated that they have not wanted it updated to modern design norms.

Hotel resort chain website - 2003, Dreamweaver.

Route map for the new Martha's Vineyard Airport website: http://mvyairport.com/mvy-route-map/

YouTube channel logo, cover and profile image