Protein Freeze Ice Cream - Brand ID/packaging - Target Mom Conceived a package, brand look and feel (including positioning strategy) to market a protein powder as a frozen dessert option at national supplement retailers. My proposal had it on shelf in a traditional pint ice cream container seizing the opportunity to disrupt. Focusing the concepts towards mid income/affluent women with children that are fitness and health conscious. Identifying 3 lifestyles segments within that demographic: Spa Mom, Indulgence Mom, and Target Mom.
Protein Freeze Ice Cream - Brand ID/packaging - Indulgence Mom Conceived a package, brand look and feel (including positioning strategy) to market a protein powder as a frozen dessert option at national supplement retailers. My proposal had it on shelf in a traditional pint ice cream container seizing the opportunity to disrupt. Focusing the concepts towards mid income/affluent women with children that are fitness and health conscious. Identifying 3 lifestyles segments within that demographic: Spa Mom, Indulgence Mom, and Target Mom.
Protein Freeze Ice Cream - Brand ID/packaging - Spa Mom Conceived a package, brand look and feel (including positioning strategy) to market a protein powder as a frozen dessert option at national supplement retailers. My proposal had it on shelf in a traditional pint ice cream container seizing the opportunity to disrupt. Focusing the concepts towards mid income/affluent women with children that are fitness and health conscious. Identifying 3 lifestyles segments within that demographic: Spa Mom, Indulgence Mom, and Target Mom.
Protein Freeze Refinement Round 2 - final design
Chocolate Flavor - final design
Protein Freeze Ice Cream - Brand ID/packaging - Target Mom Conceived a package, brand look and feel (including positioning strategy) to market a protein powder as a frozen dessert option at national supplement retailers. My proposal had it on shelf in a traditional pint ice cream container seizing the opportunity to disrupt. Focusing the concepts towards mid income/affluent women with children that are fitness and health conscious. Identifying 3 lifestyles segments within that demographic: Spa Mom, Indulgence Mom, and Target Mom.
Protein Freeze - Nutritional supplement packaging

Protein Freeze Ice Cream - Brand ID/packaging
Conceived a package, brand look and feel (including positioning strategy) to market a protein powder as a frozen dessert option at national supplement retailers. My proposal had it on shelf in a traditional pint ice cream container seizing the opportunity to disrupt. Focusing the concepts towards mid income/affluent women with children that are fitness and health conscious. Identifying 3 lifestyles segments within that demographic: Spa Mom, Indulgence Mom, and Target Mom. The exploration included 3 proposed essences, of which we proceeded to adapt one with a unique ID.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Anna Rubino
Branding + Design Expert - CPG, Non-Profit, Small Business Milford, CT