Moss Creative Design's RFP response- EDPA Presenters Challenge 2016: Nightclub and Bar Convention
Moss Creative Design's RFP response- EDPA Presenters Challenge 2016: Nightclub and Bar Convention
Fountain Helix Tree with Projection @ Expo Milano 2015
Concepts for World Expo Milan 2015, Structure for projection mapping
Tunnel experience for Breakthrough Prize Awards 2015
Concept for FN Platform COSMO lounge 2013
Concept for FN Platform COSMO lounge 2013
Concept for the MENS/WEAR lounge at Project - Moveable, internally lit cubes can be used as advertising space
Retail Events & Pavilions

Fabric Architecture, Events, Pavilions, Experiences, Lounge Areas, Exhibit Booth

Christine Squitieri
3D Designer & Creative Consultant New York, NY