Freelance Designer
San Anselmo, CA
Oct 2012 - Present (12 years 4 months)
Beginning with freelancing for Wieland Designs, following the end of my internship, I accepted various projects as a consultant. The bulk of my work is ideation, concept sketching, computer modeling, and rendering. I love helping people bring their ideas to reality.
Industrial Designer
San Francisco, CA
Nov 2012 - Aug 2016 (3 years 9 months)
From a home office in the Bay Area I traveled to various client headquarters to present the capabilities of Blue Clover (HQ in Indiana), to lead ideation sessions, and to work face to face as I developed custom designs. Clients were located along the western coast of the US and Mexico and were as varied as Starbucks, Clorox, Dollar Shave Club, Plum Organics, and more.
The first two years I functioned as an industrial designer at the Evansville headquarters. While there, my clients came from all over the country and across the world.
Design Intern
Goshen, IN
Jun 2012 - Sep 2012 (3 months)
Beginning with freelancing for Wieland Designs, following the end of my internship, I accepted various projects as a consultant. The bulk of my work is ideation, concept sketching, computer modeling, and rendering. I love helping people bring their ideas to reality.
Design Intern
Panamá, Panama
May 2011 - Aug 2011 (3 months)
In the jungles of Panama, a young developer envisioned a completely sustainable eco tourist destination. One, where everything is designed to exist harmoniously. I designed outdoor furniture and aided any other design related projects while there.