Eco Design Commission
Nov 2007 - Present (16 years 10 months)
Concept product - Volume
- Pimliko : Collaboration on an eco-packaging : Material sourcing, cycle analysis,
4 creative concepts based on brand & technical ideas : reducing volume and weight, use and
assembly. Making of models and proof of principles. Development of the selected on-going
project with marketing and logistic team. Collaboration with an engineer. 2011, Paris
- Bialetti : Proposition of eco-design cookware, focus on pan set, 2009, Paris
- Afwosh : Interior store design concept in collaboration with XXM 2012, Paris
- Naturalia : Partnership with XXM architectures for a pilot project : 5 reflexions on an ‘biological inclusive store‘ for a new organic sustainable label. Development of a health post & follow-up of the realization with the wood furniture maker. 2011, St Cloud
Product design Commission
Oct 2007 - Present (16 years 11 months)
- Teisseire : Head pump concept design for a new way of consuming syrup, development of the selected idea, international follow-up with Pulp agency, 2014 Paris
- Store electronic system : concept-boards & trends, development of new shape, use, aesthetic...
idea refinement, technical plan & optimization, with Pulp agency, Paris
- Pimliko : Collaboration on an packaging : Improving user experience, reducing volume and graphic concept. 2011, Paris
Concept product
- Brand Development : Idea generation & creative sketches during team workshop for consumer goods. Emblematic format - Creation of bottles shape for potential consumer group & development of final idea with a senior designer. 2008 & 2014, Paris & Londres
- Lago : Innovative furniture product: Research on house furniture product. Focus on kitchen& bed; 15 individual chair models & development of a project. Fuorisalone design Week Collaboration & Workshop 2010 & 2013, Italy
- Produce/Art council : Research on window displays for a pilot project, 2006, Birmingham
- Bon Marché : Diagnostic and brainstorming session : Store Design Concept 2008, Paris
- Club Med : 3D Image for the interior set up of a stand, 2008, Paris
Brand Identity Commission
Jun 2007 - Present (17 years 3 months)
Graphic branding :
- Lago : Creation of ‘Organicum’ for the textile furniture system ‘Et’Voilà’ 2013, Paris
- Le Cercle des Armées : Creation of an identity for the 5 restaurants, 2011, Paris
- Servair : Graphic proposal for the airline catering offer -Food collection- , 2011, Paris
- Marks&Spencer : Design of branding idea for the retail design area, 2007, London
- Ciel de Paris 2012, Paris
- Chicfolies 2010, Paris
- Bagatelles 2010, Paris
- Ravi Deepres 2009, London
Visual Communication
- Guerlain : Template for events, 2010, Paris
- GDF Suez : Illustration for internal communication, 2010, Paris
- Sarenza : Visual for the website 2008-09, Paris
- Random Dance : Artistic direction & graphic animation in collaboration with the video artist, Ballet Entity & Atamos, 2008 & 2013, London
Project Owner
Evy Design
Sep 2006 - Present (18 years)
- Personal project initiation : Research on sustainable design, Innovative concept-product through patent process, consumer test & survey, Business plan set up, competition submission & speech presentation, artistic direction, network building.
- Proactive research
Concept product development and exhibition : Para, Peekaboo, Biggers Series
Guest Lecturer
Mar 2010 - Jun 2014 (4 years 3 months)
- Pression Design: Eco-design in practice : feedback gained and personnal explanatory fields, Sélestat 2014
- Bridge Circus : Guest speaker at the round table discussion : New Collaborations within Design, Science and Trade, 2013 Brigton
- Parsons : Ecodesign lecture for the design management course. Session management : introduction to the methods, best practices, project decoding, 2010 & 11 Paris
- IVE Shape : Tutorial & creativity session as guest lecturer 2010, Hong Kong
Industrial designer - Work placement
Blachere illumination
Apr 2004 - Jun 2004 (2 months)
---Creation of Christmas illumination, from concept and creative researches through prototypes.
Product designer - Work placement
Atabeyki Design development
Jul 2003 - Jul 2003
---Sketches on prospective transport -car and product- and on product showcases