industrial Designer
Cannae Pro Gear
Long Beach, CA
Aug 2016 - Present (8 years 6 months)
- Produced photographic material for website, web ads and magazine ads.
- Designed web and magazine (Recoil mag, Doomsday mag) ads with original photography.
- Worked directly with Chinese factories to make revisions on pre-existing and new products.
- Worked alongside social media employee to produce original daily content.
- Created artwork for apparel.
- Produced sketches for new products.
- Joined the company when it was still a start-up.
- Experienced working with a very small team.
- Multitasking and prioritizing projects for marketing, social media, sales and web.
Industrial Designer
Anaheim, CA
Nov 2021 - Feb 2024 (2 years 3 months)
- Lead in numerous ground-up design projects for both soft and hard goods
- Collaborated with product managers to produce project scopes and roadmaps
- Collaborated with Hong Kong based sourcing team to keep an updated CMF library
- Attended tradeshows to keep up to date on trends and materials
- Used 3D printer and SolidWorks to validate designs
- Produced 2D concept sketches in Procreate for new products
- Created tech packs in Adobe Illustrator
- Used BOM’s to meet pricing targets
- Patented design for device protection
- Collaborated with design manager and design team to create trend analysis studies
Industrial Designer
Innovate Product Design
San Francisco, CA
Mar 2016 - May 2016 (2 months)
- worked directly with clients to get information about
their invention.
- concept ideation, CAD models and renderings were
produced in a two week timeline.
- concepts had to be highly developed and functional
at initial stages of design.
- concepts had to be manufacturable at initial
stages of design for design feasibility and pricing.
- worked on a wide array of inventions for clients.
- did all the research and sourcing for internal
- sourced adhesives, material samples and prototyping.
Industrial Designer
Long Beach, CA
Dec 2012 - Dec 2014 (2 years)
- worked closely with marketing and graphic designer
- routinely communicated with factory in Asia
- composed sheets for product revisions/factory
- product market research for upcoming products
- concept sketching for new products/newer revisions
- took product photographs for website/catalogue
- spec’d materials for new design concepts/pricing
- solidworks/photoshop models for concept vizualisation
- solidworks models for store booth POP’s.
- built and worked booth at shot-show for two years
- worked a watch from concept stage to factory
solidworks model
- modeled/acted products for company’s YouTube
Industrial Designer
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
Jan 2010 - Nov 2012 (2 years 10 months)
- Sketched rugged phone case concepts
- Modeled phone cases in Solidworks
- Rendered packaging and phone case concepts
- Worked with Engineers, marketing and other designers
- Collected client data and produced concepts
- Learned different types of molding and manufacturing
- Researched different types of finishes and textures
Shop Supervisor
Art Institute
Florida, United States
2007 - 2009 (2 years)
- checked all machinery to verify their performance.
- supervised students and assisted them
- responsible for the equipment and the availability
of new equipment.