New Product Developer Specialist
self employed
Jul 2022 - Present (2 years 2 months)
New Product development from concept to finished product.
Specialised in toys and FMCG
R+D+Innovation Manager
Educa Borrás Group
Barcelona, Spain
Nov 2019 - Present (4 years 10 months)
https://www.educaborras.com/ www.fabricajuguetes.com, In charge of all the product development teams of the Group. Developing new concepts, managing the creative teams for toy development, graphics, packaging, engineering. Communicating with the marketing teams to align product and strategy for all Educa Borras group brands, from arts and crafts to puzzles and from outdoor toys to licensed stationery.
Product development Director, Developing new range of dolls and Board Games for this
Jan 2017 - Nov 2019 (2 years 10 months)
Zileej. inspiring company working and coordinating with the international Design Team, liaising with Marketing for new strategies controlling production in China and travelling regularly to coordinate and source factories.
Design Manager and product development
Educa Borrás Group
Barcelona, Spain
Oct 2011 - Dec 2016 (5 years 2 months)
https://www.educaborras.com/ www.fabricajuguetes.com, In charge of Fábrica de Juguetes design team and the freelance designers to cover all the creative needs for this great product range from concept to production
Zapf-Creation. Rödental
MGA Entertainment.
Apr 2010 - Sep 2011 (1 year 5 months)
www.zapf-creation.com and http://www.mgae.com/ Product manager, Developing own brand projects and licensed projects from concept to production, supervising design team and organizing licensors products approvals, controlling estimated costs throughout the development of products.
Design and Product manager
Famosa Toys
Jan 2005 - Apr 2010 (5 years 3 months)
Onil (Spain). www.famosa.es Design and Product manager, In charge of the development team for the Disney licenses (girls) and preschool and Arts & Crafts products (licensed and own). Responsible for all the creation stages until preproduction. controlling estimated costs throughout development. Coordinating licensors product approvals.
Designer and Product Manager
Casa Vigar (Spain). www.vigar.com
Feb 2007 - Apr 2010 (3 years 2 months)
developing worldwide successful new products for home and housewares sector. Responsible for all the creation and preproduction stages Working in Asia, Hong Kong and China on production season to supervise production. *2005
My own company
1997 - 2005 (8 years)
Product development consultancy specialized in toy companies from concept to preproduction clients: Famosa (Spain), Chicco (Italy) Starplast (Israel), KTC Creations (Hong Kong) The Ninja corp. (UK) Injusa (Spain) Smoby (France) Point (Spain) Vigar (Spain)
Product Manager and I+D manager
Feber Toys
1993 - 1997 (4 years)
Responsible for the I+D department, coordinating and developing Concept design, Product, Graphics and packaging. Managing the development process for new product lines from concept to production. Presenting new product lines to sales teams.
Product manager
1991 - 1993 (2 years)
Responsible for all the creative stages on the preschool and Girls toys division. Main clients: Tommy (uk), Tyco (USA), Hasbro (UK), Mattel (USA) Galoob USA), Ravensburger (Germany)