World Building for the Tazeem Level
Concepts for Elf props 1
World Building for the Social Zone in Tolaria.
Concepts for Elf props 2
World Building for Caligo Morass in Benalia
World Building for Shiv
Tent Designs for the Armies of Benalia
World Building for the Social Zone in Tolaria.
World Building for Caligo Morass in Benalia
Magic: Legends

Most of my time was spent setting up assets, terrain, lighting, and environment fx in the company engine. I handled dressing up the levels after getting the rough level set up by designers. I also created tile systems to speed up the transition between design and art (either architecture or terrain with vegetation). I worked with the designers and the art director to make sure that game play and art helped each other to have an immersive game experience. One of my favorite things to do where the Story maps, those required setting up art and mood to create more intimate scenes, either to introduce a beat in the story or to introduce a new character in the game.

I had few opportunities to concept assets for outsourced artists to build, and early in production I was also creating art props.

Mauricio Tejerina
senior artist Kittery, ME