Dresden, Germany
Dec 2020 - Present (4 years 1 month)
Engineering + Controlling
Chair of woodtechnology and fibrematerialtechnology
Dresden, Germany
Sep 2014 - Present (10 years 4 months)
At the chair I`m responsible for different PR-activitys like poster, presentations and infografics, also the development and manufacturing of demonstratorparts. Beside this i got my "own" research-project, developing a new natural fibrecomposite and anssociated shaping technology.
Dresden, Germany
Mar 2013 - Present (12 years)
For my diploma i looked for a opportunity to link my interests and expertise in space-flight with design. I found it within the SMART-Rockets-project, a research-team, promoted by the DLR, perhaps the german NASA. We are developing small fluid-propellant rockets for scientific appliance, mainly with students, to give them practical experience for developing, constructing and launching a rocket, which is in principle as complex as a big launcher like ariane.
After finishing diploma i gain the chance to implement my project and give further support e. g. for illustrations. And there i`am.
internship industrialpartners GmbH
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Apr 2012 - Sep 2012 (5 months)
This was an Internship for taking a look at practical working in a medium sized design company. During the employment I worked for several projects in different stages of development and additionaly work out a single project (consumer electronics) by my own, with supervision of one colleague. And the chief, of course.
educational co-op HP Velotechnik GmbH
Dresden, Germany
Sep 2011 - Apr 2012 (7 months)
For the second big project the partner was a manufacturer of recumbent bikes.
educational co-op Medion AG
Dresden, Germany
Jul 2010 - Feb 2011 (7 months)
This was the first project during studies to do the whole process of developing a product by myself. Partner and supervisor was Medion AG, a large german electronical label, additional mentoring was given by dessignaffairs GmbH, a famous design agency from munich.